2nd EESD Symposium
The 2nd Symposium on Earthquake Engineering hosted by FCP.VCE in cooperation with ÖIAV and OGE has been an online event at November 18, 2021.
International lecturers contributed to most relevant topics of the special subject “Seismic Analysis and Design of Nonstructural Components” in our webinar.
We are happy to share with you the recorded webinar and presentations slides - please check out the contents below.
Link zum Onlinestream

„ Prof. Christoph Adam “
Universität Innsbruck . OGE Austrian Association for Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics

„ Günther Achs “
FCP Fritsch, Chiari & Partner ZT GmbH . OGE Austrian Association for Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics

„ Robert Schedler “
VCE Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT GmbH

„ Wilhelm Reismann “
ÖIAV – Österreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein
Key Note Lecture
Seismic Analysis and Design of Nonstructural Component and Systems in Buildings

„ Ricardo Medina “
SGH Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc.
Seismic Fragility of Nonstructural Components in Historical Unreinforced Masonry Buildings

„ Nora Sadlik “
FCP Fritsch, Chiari & Partner ZT GmbH

„ Lukas Moschen “
VCE Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT GmbH
Assessment of Vertical Seismic Demands in Regular Buildings

„ Nadia Gremer “
University of Innsbruck
Qualification and Design of Fastenings for Use in Concrete Under Seismic Actions

„ Philipp Grosser “
Hilti Corporation
A Tough Guy for Good Vibrations. Reach Best Vibration Isolation Performance in Earthquake Prone Areas!

„ Ulrich Gerhaher “
Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH
Virtual and Field Reconnaissance of Structural and Geotechnical Damage of the 2020 Petrinja, Croatia M6.4 Earthquake

„ Marko Bartolac “
University of Zagreb

„ Nenad Bijelic “
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

„ Ingrid Tomac “
University of California San Diego

„ Lukas Moschen . VCE “