Digital Engineering Day 2025
Under the motto “Just Do It Digital” the Digital Engineering Day of FCP.VCE takes place on 7 April 2025 in Wien Museum.
How do new technologies like artificial intelligence change the building industry? What is the current state of the sector and how can human beings and machines successfully cooperate in a digitized world?
At the Digital Engineering Day 2025 the latest technologies meet real projects. Experience how digitization promotes international large-scale projects and innovative technologies transform design, construction and operation already today.
This year we are especially proud of being able to welcome you in a new and unique location: Wien Museum.
When. 7 April 2025
Admission. from 01:00 p.m.
Duration. 02:00 – 06:00 p.m. with subsequent networking until 08:00 p.m.
Where. Wien Museum, Karlsplatz 8, 1040 Vienna
What can you expect:
- Insights into real projects: Learn how digitization can work in practice – from digital twins up to material building passports from the BIM model.
- Interesting discussions: Which role do human beings play in an increasingly AI-driven world? Discuss with leading experts.
- Exclusive networking: Exchange experience with business colleagues in a pleasant atmosphere.
Be part of a unique day where technology and human beings are in the focus, we consider together how digitization can successfully work in practice, and we learn from experience.
Get your Early Bird Ticket and actively cooperate in shaping the digital future of construction!
All persons present on site can get a confirmation of participation for an upgrade training event after the event.
Follow our managing director Wolf-Dietrich Denk to Wien Museum – the site where the central questions of digitization in our sector are in the focus. Immerse into the special atmosphere of this unique location and get an exclusive foretaste of our event under the motto "Just Do It Digital" during an inspiring tour.
To shorten time up to the Digital Engineering Day 2025 in April, we provide a short summary of the last event for you here:
01:00 p.m. Admission
Aleksandra Majkanovic . FCP | Jürgen Rattenberger . VCE
02:00 p.m. Welcome & Introduction
Wolf-Dietrich Denk . FCP
JUST DO IT DIGITAL. AI in Construction – Impulses and Solutions
Gamechanger KI. Trends, Einordnung und wie wir sie nutzen können (Game-changer AI. Trends, classification and how we can use them)
Ana Simic . Propeller
para-was? Wie Design metrisch wird. Parametrisierung von Planungsprozessen (Parametrization of design processes)
Clemens Russ . Rhomberg
KI im Bauwesen. Enabler Strategien zur Einführung Künstlicher Intelligenz in KMUs (AI in civil engineering. Enabler strategies for the introduction of artificial intelligence in SMEs)
Steffen Robbi . Digital findet Stadt
Materieller Gebäudepass als Anwendungsfall am Beispiel Bildungscampus Stadt Wien (Material building passport as use case at the example Bildungscampus city of Vienna)
Christian Sustr . FCP | Zeleny Klammer . City of Vienna (requested)
Green BIM 2 Digitalisierung in der Grünen Branche. Praxisbeispiele und Erkenntnisse aus Green BIM 2 (Green BIM 2 Digitization in the green sector. Practical examples and findings from Green BIM 2)
Joachim Kräftner & Fridtjof Diekmann . Verein zur Förderung der Grünen Baukultur
04:00 p.m. Break
FLAGSHIP PROJECTS in Digital Engineering: Best practices and success factors
BIM von Beginn an. Die Gäubahn als Vorreiter (BIM from the beginning. Gäu railway line as pioneer)
Rudolf Felsner . FCP
Was wurde aus "Alles in BIM". Projekt Neues Werk Cottbus (What happened to "All in BIM". Project Neues Werk Cottbus)
Claudia Szargan . Deutsche Bahn | Sven Gilic . FCP
Die Digitale Projektumgebung von FCP. Neue Features, Ausblick und was hat sich getan (The Digital Project Universe of FCP. New features, outlook and what has happened)
Thomas Rabl & Wolf-Dietrich Denk . FCP
Forschungsprojekt BRAIN. KI für nachhaltiges Bauwerksmanagement (Research project BRAIN. AI for sustainable building management)
Sonja Kracanovic . VCE | ASFINAG | MA 29
Digitaler AVA Prozess. Klarheit mit BIM statt Konflikt mit Papier/PDF (Digital tender, award and accounting processes. Clarity with BIM instead of conflicts with paper copies/PDFs)
Frank Mettendorff . FCP | Mohammed Falah . Wiener Linien
Automatisierung in der (BIM-)Planung. Herausforderungen bei der Einführung moderner (BIM-) Methoden (Automation in (BIM) Design. Challenges in the introduction of modern (BIM) methods)
Markus Zeisig . Plandata
06:00 p.m. Conclusion & Networking
with background music

„ Viktoria Linsbauer “

„ Sonja Kracanovic “
CC Project Management Infrastructure

„ Aleksandra Majkanovic “
CC Digital Services

„ Bianca Mick “
Graphic Arts & Marketing

„ Cornelia Riegler “

„ Jürgen Rattenberger “
Innovation Management
With registration every participant of the event agrees to the use of photos taken and videos recorded in the course of the event by camera or similar media for the purpose of public relations, e.g. press releases, promotion of future events etc.